The material for each day will become available in the morning. Go to the drop-down menu to access the material once it's available. Lectures will be a mixture of theory and coding examples along with coding exercises.
Week 1
Lecture 1 - 29th Jan 2024:
General course introduction, Introduction to audio signals
Lecture 2 - 30th Jan 2024:
Introduction to Transforms and Spectrograms
Lecture 3 - 31st Jan 2024:
Audio augmentation, VGGish and YAMNet
Lecture 4 - 1st Feb 2024:
Introduction to machine learning for bioacoustic classifiers
Applying bioacoustic classifiers to real audio files
CNNs for bioacoustics 101
Lecture 5 - 2nd Feb 2024:
Introduction to SonicVisualiser for bioacoustics annotation
Setup Raspberry Pi to create Automatic Recording Units (ARUs)
3rd Feb 2024:
Field trip to Intaka Island Nature Reserve to deploy ARUs and collect acoustic data
Week 2
Lecture 6 - 5th Feb 2024:
Transfer learning for bioacoustics
CNN-RNNs for bioacoustics binary classification
Lecture 7 - 6th Feb 2024:
More advanced applications of CNN-RNNs for whale bioacoustics
Unsupervised audio clustering and classification
Lecture 8 - 7th Feb 2024:
Lecture 9 - 8th Feb 2024:
Student presentations
Discussion: How to implement a real-time monitoring system
Discussion: Ethics of machine learning and wildlife monitoring
Discussion: What other areas, related to animals and ecology, can DL help with?
Class test - 9th Feb 2024:
Coding test
Week 3
Lecture 10 - 12th Feb 2024:
Introduction to Pose Estimation
Introduction to Animal Pose Estimation
Introduction to Multiple Animal Pose Estimation
Annotation for Pose Estimation
Lecture 11 - 13th Feb 2024:
Basic structure for a pose estimation algorithm
Advanced techniques for improving pose estimation
Evaluating a pose estimation algorithm
Regression based pose estimation
Lecture 12 - 14th Feb 2024:
Discussion of techniques used for pose estimation improvement
Introduction to acceleration data
Lecture 13 - 15th Feb 2024:
Introduction to machine learning for acceleration data and behavioural identification
Random forest for behavioral identification from acceleration data
Deep learning for behavioral identification from acceleration data
Lecture 14 - 16th Feb 2024:
Introduction to a fully convolutional neural network; Vnet
Application of the Vnet on the acceleration data
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